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contoh kalimat hold by

"hold by" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • All the witnesses and the evidence held by Mischa.
    Semua saksi dan bukti dipegang oleh Mischa.
  • Neoptolemos was held by some to be brutal.
    Neoptolemos dipegang oleh beberapa orang untuk menjadi brutal.
  • The record had previously been held by Magnus Carlsen.
    Rekor tersebut sebelumnya dipegang oleh Magnus Carlsen.
  • It is held by the Buyeo National Museum.
    Kotak tersebut disimpan di dalam Musium Nasional Buyeo.
  • The record was previously held by Magno Alves.
    Ia memecahkan rekor sebelumnya dipegang oleh Alves Magno.
  • "Info held by client and my Mac.
    "Info yang diselenggarakan oleh klien dan Mac saya.
  • I'm being held by a bunker outside
    Saat ini aku terjebak dalam sebuah bunker di
  • Your partner's being held by the French customs.
    Pasangan Anda sedang diselenggarakan oleh pabean Perancis.
  • Our comrades held by U.S. imperialists will be liberated.
    Kawan Kami diselenggarakan oleh imperialis AS akan dibebaskan.
  • "...to help him find the mysterious treasure held by the diabolical Maltazard..."
    Untuk menemukan harta karun misterius
  • The "Monarch" Diamond is most recently held by David Englander.
    Diamond "Monarch" adalah dalam kepemilikan David Englander.
  • Yes. Your mate and child are being held by Karen.
    Ya, istri dan anakmu di bawa Karen.
  • Your mate and child are being held by Karen.
    Istri dan anakmu disandera oleh Karen.
  • All those years i was held by the gaviota cartel,
    Selama bertahun-tahun aku di sandera Kartel Gaviota
  • Yousef was held by Shin Bet agents in 1996.
    Yousef diambil oleh agen-agen Shin Bet pada 1996.
  • JKT48 Janken Competition held by the autumn tournament system.
    JKT48 Janken Competition diadakan dengan sistem turnamen gugur.
  • The remaining one percent is held by the association.
    1 persen yang tersisa dipegang asosiasi.
  • The collection is currently held by Yale University.
    Dengan bangga Yale University memilikinya hingga kini.
  • The original Acts of Parliament are held by the Parliamentary Archives.
    Undang-undang aslinya disimpan di Arsip Parlementer.
  • The rights are now held by Disney-ABC Domestic Television.
    Kini dimiliki oleh Disney-ABC Domestic Television.
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